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A website refers to a compilation of Web pages that can be typically accessed through a software package, commonly known as a Web browser (one example is the HTTP on the Internet). These pages, which are essentially documents that are in the HTML or XHTML format (HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language), are accessed from a 'common root URL' - or the website's homepage (as most people know it). From this homepage, the visitor/Internet user can browse or look through the entire website either with the use of the hyperlinks or the URLs of the different web pages.

Viewed on computers and other devices that are capable of connecting with the Internet (such as PDAs and cellular phones), websites can be grouped into numerous types, depending on their use or the services that they offer. Some of them include the following:

· Archive site - maintains and protects electronic contents that are valuable to the point of extinction.

· Business site - promotes a business or a service.

· Commerce or eCommerce site - offers goods for sale.

· Community site - allows people with related and similar interests to communicate with each other (either through chat or message boards).

· Database site - searches and displays a particular database's content.

· Development site - provides data and sources that are related to software development and web design, among others.

· Directory site - contains wide-ranging contents that are usually divided into categories and subcategories.

· Download site - allows users to download electronic contents, such as game demos and software.

· Game site - provides a 'playground' where people meet and play.

· Information site - contains data or content that have the sole purpose of informing visitors (not for commercial purposes).

· News site - dispenses or distributes news and commentaries (similar to an information site).

· Pornography site - shows pornographic videos and images.

· Search engine site - provides general information and serves as a 'gateway' for other sites and resources (can also be a web portal site).

· Shock site - shows images and other materials that aim to offend viewers.

· Vanity site - a personal site that is run or maintained by an individual or a small group, the contents of which can be of any information that the site owner wishes to include.

· Blog site or blogs - registers online readings and posts online diaries or discussion forums.

· Wiki site - allows users to collaboratively edit the contents.

Yahoo! is perhaps the most famous example of a very large website. The most popular and widely-used website, Yahoo! is a mixture of the different types of sites - it is a directory site and a search engine site, among others.

Because of the enormous (and diverse) amount of information that it contains, the Yahoo! site map is an extremely useful feature in the Yahoo! website.

A site map is a web page that lists the entire pages on a web site. Organized in a hierarchical fashion, site maps can be in textual or visual form (a diagram or an image).

The Yahoo! site map serves as a blueprint for the Yahoo! website. Similar to a book's Table of Contents, the Yahoo! sitemap makes it easier for visitors or users to find specific information or pages on the Yahoo! web site without having to browse many pages, because the site map gives an overview or a visual outline of the Yahoo! web site, with each location provided with active links to enable the user to directly move to a specific location.

In addition, the Yahoo! site map allows web developers to put out links from across their sites, making it easier for search engine robots (or engine spiders) to find these pages.

Because the Yahoo! site map improves the search engine optimization of a site, this feature can be considered a valuable tool for online marketers, whose aim is to stimulate and direct traffic to their web sites.

Note, however, that the Yahoo! site map can only give you the 'basics'. Because it is important for web marketers to 'rank high' on main search engines, an effective web marketing strategy that promotes your web site is also very much needed. Listed below are some search engine strategies to consider:

1. Write a descriptive page title at the top of your webpage that avoids 'filler' words like "the" or "and".

2. Incorporate descriptive keywords on your home page, along with your business name. This is called "keyword prominence".

3. Include a Description Meta Tag at the top of the web page. This refers to the sentences (1 or 2 lines, with a maximum of around 255 characters) that describe the content of your web page.

These are just some of the many techniques that you can employ to get more users to visit your website. The important thing is to focus on keywords - and let Yahoo! site map do the rest.

What are the parallels between finding your literal voice and finding your personal voice – the voice that links you to your purpose, power, and work in the world? Read on …

voice power, personal power,life force,life purpose,vision,energy,beliefs, connection,world work

Article Body:

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action." – Martha Graham

When I opened my mouth to sing, my voice caught in my throat. The phlegm and irritation of a passing bronchial infection was still there. My voice was gravelly and strained from several days of coughing. And the process of singing wasn't much fun. The sound coming from my body wasn't me. I cleared my throat a couple of times, but it was still rough.

Instead of pushing, I lessened the pressure on my throat and kept singing lightly, watching and waiting for my sound to show up. I breathed deeply, imagining the sound coming up from my center. Gradually, the sound smoothed out until I was singing with the connected sound I know to be me.

Standing there, experimenting with finding my voice, I started thinking about the parallels between finding my singing or speaking voice and finding my symbolic or metaphorical voice.

The physical voice flows from a connection between breath and vocal chords. The metaphorical voice is a unique relationship between a person's values and vision and how they are expressed in action. When I "find my voice," I find my sense of purpose. I know what I'm about and express myself with much more ease.

When I lose my voice, I can find it again in ways similar to the process I use to regain my singing voice:

  • I don't push. Obstacles are a signal to lessen the pressure, dig deeper, and reconnect with what is important.

  • I breathe deeply and speak from center. When I speak from center, both my literal and figurative voices are strong, clear, and more easily heard.

  • I practice.Losing my voice is signal for me to stop, look, and practice finding it again. Gradually I get clear on what "my voice" sounds and feels like, and I'm able to regain it more easily.

As Martha Graham suggests, find the vitality, the life force, and the energy that is your voice. With practice, it will become powerful and effortless.

This is certainly an unusual tale. Here we have Caleb, a child from a single and destitute mother, who is taken in by a trusted friend of the family. The father figure for Caleb has never been a father; he is not married and has little experience with children. Despite all of this, the two blend well together and create their own version of "family" - with just the two of them.

family, book review, problem child, single family adoption

Article Body:
This is certainly an unusual tale. Here we have Caleb, a child from a single and destitute mother, who is taken in by a trusted friend of the family. The father figure for Caleb has never been a father; he is not married and has little experience with children. Despite all of this, the two blend well together and create their own version of "family" - with just the two of them.

Issues from raising a child as a single father, without a mother’s presence and tackling stereotyped views that a man cannot adopt a child by himself were raised in a compelling manor right from the start. Difficulties in handling corrupt and ruined systems in some medical and childcare arenas are also raised with strong emotion. The author brings up the fact that schools who teach children as a generic mass rather than focusing on the individual, leave too many children on their own. Careless doctors, thoughtless education systems, unreasonable and unbending childcare rules… All of these are addressed in Caleb’s Branch.

Young Caleb is a gifted and abused child that is overdosed with prescription drugs, strung out and hyper active when he arrives at his new home. He has a secret ability to see things that others cannot. The author uses this to slip back in time to the family who lived on the same piece land generations ago, where we are shown another kind of a father-son relationship.

Often justifiable, but tiring and emotional rants were used to relay the rage and frustration felt by the new father in this story. The writing style was definitely descriptive - sometimes a little over descriptive for my tastes. The way the author concluded Caleb’s Branch had me wondering if I had missed some pages, because it didn’t really conclude. It is painfully obvious that there will be a book two on the slate, which might provide the explanations and closure that are missing in this book.

Caleb’s Branch, a relatively large book with over 400 pages, is difficult to classify. It is a family non-fiction with mysterious and paranormal occurrences that involves two families separated by generations, yet connected through a little boy named Caleb and the land they have all called "home". I thought it was particularly interesting that the author showed how having children can sometimes bring a new understanding of our upbringing and our parents – and therefore, of our selves.

Personal and professional development is an area which requires daily and constant improvemnt.
With the proper resources and careful planning you can excel and acheive your goals.

Personal Development, Professional Development

Article Body:
Personal and professional development is an area in which everyone needs to improve.
The most successful people continually strive to improve themselves. Personal and
professional development carries over in each aspect of your life. There are personal
skills that you may learn that will help you in professional situations. Likewise, there are
professional skills that will help you in personal situations. Anyone who is career
minded and wants to advance in their chosen field or change the field in which they are in
should look carefully into personal and professional development to see how this could
assist them in accomplishing their goals.

Personal and professional development starts with identifying the areas in which you
want to excel but currently are not. Take a long look at where you are now and where
you want to be. This is the first step in personal and professional development. Then,
discuss your goals with your employer. This is a great way to get feedback on areas of
your career. It accomplishes two goals. First, it puts your employer on notice that you
have goals and ambitions and that you are ready and willing to make changes to
accomplish those goals. It also allows you the opportunity to get valuable feedback and
possible assistance from your employer. Perhaps there are courses your boss can
recommend and ways that you can improve. This insight can be invaluable to your
personal and professional development.

Find ways to accomplish your personal and professional development. This is a great
time to look into classes that will help you advance in your career. Management courses,
motivational classes and practical advancement classes will all help you in your
professional career and you will also learn valuable tools that will transcend your
professional life and help you with your personal life as well. Personal and professional
development is a continuing process. Regularly evaluate where you are and where you
want to be and make an effort to get there by setting short term goals.

Parenting classes are a great way to assist in your personal development. However, they
also teach certain skills such as anger management, negotiation and patience that will
help in your professional life, especially in a managerial or supervisory position. Do not
discount the benefits of personal experience that can be translated into the professional
world. Often the skills learned in personal life will help you greatly in your professional.
Personal and professional development goes hand in hand. It is rare to find someone who
has it all together in their home life but is a mess in their professional life or vice versa.
Most people have specific areas that need improvement and you can see the effects of
these deficiencies in both areas of their life.

Seeing personal and professional development in your life will also instill a sense of self
worth and higher self esteem. It will give you the confidence that you need to be able to
ask for that raise or submit your application for a better job. You will begin to see your
life improving professionally, which will often lead to a more stable and worthwhile
home life. People who have a chaotic personal life will often be distracted and edgy at
work. Personal and professional development definitely is related and one area
influences the other quite often.

Kabuki is a traditional Japanese theater art. The word Kabuki is derived from the Japanese word kabuki which means avant-garde or bizarre theater. Kabukimono were youngsters who were rebellious and used to dress strangely. Because the kanji characters sing and dance, kabuki also means the art of singing and dancing.

This work has been tampered with over a period of time. The kabuki which we witness now isn’t the same what it used to be before. The founder of this art was Okuni, who was a young lady who served a Shinto shrine named Lzumo Taisha. She gained attention by adapting a completely new dance form at the theaters at the dry river beds of Kyoto in the year 1603. Basically it started with only female artist who even did the role of men. The stories were based on the common people with a comedic twist. After the initial success Okuni was invited to show her performance at the royal court. Out of envy other troupes began adopting the same style of dancing and kabuki became a common style. The women involved in kabuki began entering prostitution so they were banned from performing further and men took over their place. The attention shifted from dance to performance. But the performance by the men also became salacious and they too started prostitution as a side profession and worked for both men and women customers. This affected the audiences which attended these performance they became ill-mannered and a fight used to break out over a young and handsome actor. This led to the imposing of ban on young male actors too.

Kabuki then became a field of art for matured men. These men put in more effort to bring up the reputation of kabuki. The men who performed the role of women were known as Oyama or Onnagata. Basically there were two types of role named Aragoto or rough style and Wagoto or Sakata tojuro. Yaro kabuki or men’s kabuki was the stylized version and Kyogen comic theater was a very influential factor as it was very popular then.

The kabuki artists wore detailed makeup. Aragoto character or the reckless warrior character has a pompous role with bright clothing and loud makeup. The style too is loud and exaggerated and involves more action. On the contrary Wagoto is a more cultured role with decent dialogue delivery and gestures.

The Genroku period showed more interest in Kabuki arts. It had started to be performed in formal theaters. Chikamatsu Monzaemon was the first known playwright of kabuki and later on produced many other renowned works. His works revolved around tragic-romances where the lovers used to suicide in the end. Many followed this theme which forced the authorities to put a ban on such kinds of plays known as Shinju Mono. After few years of success kabuki was taken over by Bunraku or Puppetry. This was due to the increase in the number of Bunraku playwrights.

But after the defeat of Tokugawa Shogunate Empire in 1868 kabuki arts returned to it full form. Initially a kabuki performance was made in front of the king Meiji. It caught his interest at the first instance. Many kabuki theaters were brought up during that era.

During the World War II many theaters were lost during the bombing and a ban was levied on kabuki. But in 1947, the kabuki performances started again with the lift of the ban and once again began to flourish across the country.

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